本文摘要:在建筑學(xué)和環(huán)境心理學(xué)當(dāng)中,建成環(huán)境是指為包括大型城市環(huán)境在內(nèi)的人類(lèi)活動(dòng)而提供的人造環(huán)境。本 英文論文 作者認(rèn)為環(huán)境不僅僅是建筑物和風(fēng)景地貌,更是涉及物理、社會(huì)、心理學(xué)各個(gè)維度的寬泛概念。社會(huì)態(tài)度與建成環(huán)境之間存在著相互作用,學(xué)術(shù)研究需要去更
There are a variety of resources available to learn about behavior Sciences and architectural theories. Many of the studies focus on reaction to design, aesthetics, social interaction and social organization as a result of the built environment. When referring to the built environment I am generally speaking about buildings and landscapes. With reference to the term ‘environment’ alone, I am referring to a much broader context, one that involves the physical, social and psychological dimensions of our surrounding. Surprisingly, there is little investigation on how the reuse of the built environment can influence social attitude, a topic associated with the study of social psychology a part of behavioral sciences. Attitude is a major research area within social psychology; attitudes are usually directed toward existing objects (e.g., issues, people, and structures). The field of architecture closely relates to social psychology. It is important for architects and other professionals to understand how reuse of a facility may have a strong presence in the development of human attitude, and how attitudes change with interaction of the built environment. It is equally important to understand the affect of social attitude on the business entity, which is funding or using the project. The current studies of behavior sciences and architecture provide little insight to this topic but instead focus on the interactions to design or the design process.
Attitude change caused by adaptive reuse may have many outcomes. The reuse of industrial buildings may have an impact on the perception of the auto industry, the community in which it exists and a deeper impact on the ‘environment’. Detroit, Michigan is an area rich with historical data on the rise and fall of industrialism in urban areas with an emphasis on the auto industry. Historical research is important to understand the social impact of industrial buildings that have been abandoned. It is my belief that many of the industrial buildings the auto industry abandoned can be adapted for new use as research and design facilities, educational centers with tourism or training facilities that retool workers with new sustainable technology driving the future. My questions on the social impact of adaptive reuse require a deeper understanding of the architecture, environment and sciences. Can the practice of sustainable, adaptive reuse of industrial building potentially alter the social and organizational complexity of a company then the outcomes should be known so that they are more openly embraced by corporations, governments and private owners as a more favorable means of architecture. An important aspect to consider is whether there is a correlation between historical preservation and a generalized perception of a brand ple’s minds. Research uncovered with the auto industry could reflect the transferability of this theory into mainstream acceptance.
The research of social phenomenon regarding adaptive reuse of industrial structures deals with a range of complex subject matter. I have found that there are numerous publications and sources of information to research historical data on abandoned structures. Many sources in the literature emphasis that sprawl and its effects are a contributing factor. The effects of sprawl are both physical and abstract. Burchell, Downs, McCann & Mukherji (2005) and Chavan, Peralta & Steins (2007) are authors which have written about sprawl and complex issues that building owners, communities, architects and developers might experience during an adaptive use development project. Burchell “et al.” talks about the different “Cost” of sprawl, defining cost as an impact on resource conservation, planned growth, economic growth and market sense. Chavan “et al.” look at a range of topics that struggling urban cities face in the pursuit of land use, planning and urban design. Both pieces of literature acknowledge that sprawl has an effect on the sense of place, but they don’t discuss specifics of industrial architecture beyond the ideas that sustainable, adaptive reuse is a form of preservation or vague ideas about its contribution to the growth of ‘community’. The literature regarding sprawl I reviewed did not mention social attitude or social change in relation to the business entities that pursued adaptive reuse. This is a weakness that shouldn’t be overlooked. Adaptive reuse may help grow the community is ways but unless the primary stakeholders realize potential in the developments for there businesses they will be less inclined to pursue it as an option.
The concepts that form sprawl and the historic backgrounds of industrial structures do add value to the research, but equally if not more important is the literature involved in the research of behavioral sciences. Much of the existing research in behavioral sciences about architecture relates to the individual rather the masses, or at times it references group patterns that evolve from specific architecture (e.g., plazas, physical design, and parks). In sociology, however “there has been very little consideration of the built environment as a component in group process” (Lang, 1987 p.21). To understand how the physical environment affects behavior sciences dealing with adaptive reuse of industrial automotive facilities both industrial structures and their history are necessary to understand the social history and ‘spirit-of-place’ engaged with industrial structures and ownership. The literature involved in the proposed research seems divided by invisible boundaries. In reductionist fashion, each of the areas mentioned have been studied separate in some degree. I feel we need to break down the barriers and form a connection between them. When reviewed, the whole is greater than the sum of its sum parts. This concept is widely associated with the Gestalt Laws. “Because architecture is a composition of all the human senses, achieving a true design balance is a simple, yet complex, endeavor” (Lorena, 2008). By adopting laws like the Gestalt Principles into our archit
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