本文摘要:這篇 電子英文論文 對無線多宿主網絡和NS2的應用方法進行詳細介紹,描述多宿主網絡的工作原理,對無線移動自組織網絡和傳感器網絡的巨大作用,并對NS2模擬工具的功能、應用和工作原理進行說明。《 電子科學技術與應用 》(ISSN刊號:2251-2608)衷心邀請來自世
I. 簡介——Introduction
Through several advantages and usages of wireless technology, it has got a huge growth within the short time period. Because of this reason, the wireless technology has widespread in Wireless communication and Mobile Technology multiple interface architecture. By the rapid change of this wireless technology, most of the researches mainly focus on the wireless efficient usage and utilization. So all the research professionals mainly consider about multi-homed, multi-channel, multi hop, multi interface, multi-route and wireless mesh network. For this all advanced technology, complex architecture development and for the implementation, all the experts require a supportive simulator. That could be a NS2. This simulating tool is a very power full and most widely used by the professionals and the engineers.
In this paper we are going to have a look on Wireless Multi homed network and the methods of implementation in NS2. Mobile Ad-hoc Network and Wireless sensor network are very famous among us in recent days. The Multi homed network is one of the subset of Mobile Ad-hoc network. So the implementation of Multi-home network is useful for wireless Ad-hoc and sensor network too. The basic idea of Multi homed network is a single node which is assigned by multiple IP address and it is able to work simultaneously in different interfaces. Or ability of a single end point support for multiple IP address by multiple interfaces or multiple network channels. By using above basic idea I have implemented this in NS2. At the same time NS2 is supportive for new protocols.
The Multi home nodes are functioning as transaction point in heterogeneous network. This may help in several ways. For example; To communicate between old network and newly added network or communicate with other different networks. If one of the link fails, that can't be reachable. But by using other IP address the destination should be reachable. So this Multi homed network is very important not only for heterogeneous network [6] but for all the wireless networks. For this I can able to use Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP). However using SCTP is very rare in practice.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II presents about the links which is most related with this title. Section III illustrates the functionality with simple scenario. Section III(A) gives the analysis part of simulation codes. Section III(B) supports the explanation of short form and some additional part which you have to do to run the source file. Finally summary is given in section IV.
II.相關工作——Related works
A. portal.acm.org
ACM, this is [2] the world's largest educational and scientific computing society, it is providing resources for computing science and profession. And it provides digital library for its members who have discovered the computing related publications and paper. From the below link [2] I got the advanced knowledge about multi-home network, NS2 simulation scenarios and the basic structure of packet changing in Multi-home network. I highly recommend this article to get a clear idea about NS2 simulation scenarios not only on multi-home network but also about Multi-hop, multi-interface, multi-channel, multi route and multi-destinations. Especially I got some points from this paper about multi* network design and implementation of network layer architecture that extend the functionality of NS2. So, I have used these techniques and ides in my repot too.
The IEEE supports [3] me to take the effort on Wireless multihome networking. This is really useful site not only for students but also for ICT experts and the engineers. IEEE communication society is to be the organization of connecting technology professionals and the experts all over the world. Actually after read this article about multi home network, I got understood and had a good knowledge about wireless Multi-home network and about the using protocols of Multi home network. Especially I learned about SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol) from this released article. By use this pages, I have used some idea about use of multi home network in heterogeneous network interface in my repot too. Mainly focus on the concept of design and performance of proposed SCTP implementation in Multi home network tracked by me and alternate to AODV protocol for Multi homing in my report.
These useful pages I got it from IEEE-Xplore Digital Library. It is really supportive for technical documents, newsletters and for eBooks, ect. And it will always maintain the highest standards of professionalism.
C. telecom.inescporto.pt
This research [6] done by unit of Telecommunications and Multimedia - FEUP campus. In these papers they have clearly described about architecture of new added mobile nodes, that has implemented base on the aspects. By the figures of mobile node architecture able to know more about chain model of Routing Agent, Network Interface, Interface Queue, MAC protocol and ARP. This is the article I have used to create scenario and .tcl file for my report. In this document they have focus more detail about C++ codes and NS2 simulation for multiple interface (especially about mobile nodes and interface), but codes able to use for Multi home network too. These pages quit advance, but good for best implementation NS2.
III.模擬分析——Simulation Analysis
NS2 is the famous tool to simulating wireless sensor network. This may help a lot for research community to verify their result and to make sure that their path is correct or not. At late 1990 the wireless and ad-hoc network simulation was extended in NS2 by CMU Monach [7] group. The main purpose of this extension is to test the simulation especially for wireless sensor network and the Ad-Hoc network. This document and the scenario were mainly based on CMU-Monach Group developed NS2 simulation.
There was another Multi-homing [4] facility included in NS2. This is called as (SCTP) Stream Control Transmission Protocol. SCTP was developed by University of Delaware. But practically the SCTP was not giving a full satisfaction to the research workers. The main reason for this failure is; this is mainly considered and implemented only about twoend points in the network. This did not support for interconnection heterogeneous network. Our focus is mainly on this part and creates a simple scenario in NS2 by using AODV protocol.
The second argument is on the SCTP implementation in the Multihoming Network, it is not an independent protocol. When it is functioning all the time it requests to use some other protocols. Example: Other Transport layer protocols.
The last argument is the support of the SCTP [5] is very poor in the Moblie Adhoc Network. Especially in the sensor network, where the transport verification is not so important, UDP need to be used instead of TCP for the power consumption. But SCTP is not functioning like that.
Because of all these reasons I have ignored the Steam Control transmission Protocol (SCTP) and implemented scenarios for Multihoming network by using CMU Monach group NS2 and the concepts. Basically the below idea is used in my arguments. There are four nodes using for this implementation.
Node1 and the Node2 in one network channel and Node3 and Node4 in another network channel. The packets can't send from Node1 to Node4. Because the Node1, Node2 in one channel or the network and Node2, Node3 in another channel or the network. Once the packets want to send the data from Node1 to Node4 the Node 2 and Node 3 should be configured as a bridge between these two network channels. Further more details check the figure 01 below.
Channel 1 Channel2
A.Simulation codes and set up analyisis
Implemented AODV protocol in define option instead of SCTP protocol.
set val(rp) AODV ;# routing protocol
In NS2 :
Phy/WirelessPhy set Pt ;#is for sender side,
Phy/WirelessPhy set RXThresh ;#is for receiver side
Below the commands use to be set the parameters make the transmission range 250m for two-ray ground signal propagation model.
Phy/WirelessPhy set RXThresh_ 3.65262e-10
Phy/WirelessPhy set Pt_ 0.281838
Phy/WirelessPhy set freq_ 914e+6
Create God.
set god_ [create-god val(nn)]
god_ off
god_ allow_to_stop
god_ num_data_types 1
Configure phenomenon channel and data channel
set chan_0_ [new val(chan)]
set chan_1_ [new val(chan)]
set chan_2_ [new val(chan)]
The below command use to configure Node1 and Node2 in channel-1.
ns_ node-config \
-channel chan_1_
set node_(1) [ns_ node]
node_(1) random-motion 0 ;# disable it(random-motion)
god_ new_node node_(1)
node_(1) set X_ 40
node_(1) set Y_ 50
set node_(2) [ns_ node]
node_(2) random-motion 0;# disable it.
god_ new_node node_(2)
node_(2) set X_ 50
node_(2) set Y_ 50
As same as above command, the commands below use to configure Node3 and Node4 in channel-2
ns_ node-config \
-channel chan_2_
set node_(3) [ns_ node]
node_(3) random-motion 0 ;# disable it.
god_ new_node node_(3)
node_(3) set X_ 50
node_(3) set Y_ 50
set node_(4) [ns_ node]
node_(4) random-motion 0 ;# disable it.
god_ new_node node_(4)
node_(4) set X_ 60
node_(4) set Y_ 50
Configure Node2 and Node3 into one Multihoming node
[node_(2) set ll_(0)] peer-target [node_(3) entry]
[node_(2) set ll_(0)] peer-node node_(3)
[node_(3) set ll_(0)] peer-target [node_(2) entry]
[node_(3) set ll_(0)] peer-node node_(2)
Set UDP layers for the nodes, and attach Multihoming
set agent_(i) [new Agent/UDP]
Then the commands implemented to create the communication from Node-1 to Node-4 in different network channel.
set app_(1) [new Application/MultihomingApp]
app_(1) attach-multiagent 0 agent_(1)
app_(1) dst_agent agent_(4)
Likewise the codes implemented to communicate from Node4 to Node1.
set app_(2) [new Application/MultihomingApp]
app_(2) attach-multiagent 0 agent_(4)
app_(2) dst_agent agent_(1)
Node2 and Node3 attached to the same Application.
set app_core [new Application/MultihomingApp]
app_core attach-multiagent 0 agent_(2)
app_core attach-multiagent 1 agent_(3)
To check the application scenario, just send 100byets frm Node1 to Node4.
ns_ at 1.0 'app_(1) unicast agent_(1) 200'
Setout Multihomed broad cast size to 100
ns_ at 10.0 'app_core broadcast 100'
ns_ at 15.0 'app_(2) unicast agent_(4) 20'
B. Someadditional support
Very important thing is when you test before this above NS2 simulation codes or the .tcl file, assure the software NS2-MIUN installed with the at least version of NS2-2.29.
The abbreviation “i.e” means “that is” and “e.g” means “examples” and “ect” means extra.
The name call “data” is plural not singular.
Multi-home network is really useful for enhance the secure and reliable packet transmission among nodes. By this implementation, it can be more recognize for interconnecting of different transmission nodes in different network channels. This may more useful for heterogeneous and Ad-hoc networks. The wireless Multi-home network already implemented by using SCTP protocol. But Particle wise SCTP protocol is not suite for Multi-Home network. But this papers support you to do the simulation of Multi-home Network by using AODV protocol in NS2. At the same time able to use this method in practically.